Easy Ways for International Students to Make Friends in U.S. Universities

3 min readOct 1, 2020

In college, you are going to want to do the obvious which is keep your grades up and maybe even get a job so that you can have money to spend. While these are important, do not forget that college is an important gateway into making connections that could hopefully last your entire life. Here are some easy ways to make new friends:

  1. Get Involved

People who share common interests are way more likely to become friends. A great way to show your interests is to join a club or to do certain activities. These are often where genuine friendships happen and not forced ones where you just befriended someone because there was no one else. Becoming a Student Ambassador is a great idea if you have good leadership skills and want to be surrounded by other people with that trait. There are often clubs that suit international culture as well so that would be worth taking a look into. Lastly, activities like these can be used on your resume so not only is a gateway to make friends but also to prepare for your career.

2. Be balanced

In college, it is important to be as balanced of a person as possible. Emphasis has to be placed on how you manage your time and what your priorities are. This is often challenging but it must be done to be successful. If you are the type of person who is studying all of the time, it would be best to cut that down just a little bit and maybe attend a social event where you have the opportunity to make new friends. With that said, if you are at the other end and are always partying, there is a good chance you will not make it past freshman year. Balance is key to being successful and making friends that will last.

3. Seek out multicultural resources

Many universities have an Office of Multicultural Affairs or something similar which is a fantastic resource for international students to use. They will offer many events, seminars, and social events making it a great way for international students to get to know other students in the university. This should allow you to have the chance to become friends with students that are all different nationalities.

4. Connect with students that have the same major or similar course interests

Many international students may have problems finding similarities and common interests that would help connect to American students. An easy way to find a common interest right away is to find someone with a similar major or who likes the same areas of study as you do. Introducing yourself to students who you often see in your classes and asking if they want to study or work on certain projects together often lead to friendships. If they are upperclassmen, you could not only befriend them but also ask them what classes and professors are the best way to navigate through the major.

5. Break out of your comfort zone

It is human nature to want to hang around people that are similar to you. While it is great to make friends with other international students, it may not be the best idea to only hang around with them and stay in that group at all times. Having a mix of friends might allow you to have better connections here if you plan on staying or just provide a better college experience. Make an effort to make friends with people who are different then you because sometimes they turn into some of your closest friends.

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